Friday, August 27, 2010

Funny thing about my girls

They are too smart for their own good.

When Claire started kindergarten, we were concerned she would be bored because she knew most everything on the kindergarten skill list and had mastered quite a number of skills on the list. Apparently Claire needs to learn emotion control and decision-making skills...see previous post.

I realized that Ellie has met many of the kindergarten "end of year" goals also. I suppose I should work on her emotion control and decision-making skills now.

Ellie has also mastered "cursing": holy holy. At least I think that is cursing to her....she says it in situations in which I would curse.

Big Girl Ellie

Ellie is now mostly potty-trained and it is an exciting time in our household. I'm thinking my budget line item for "diapers/pull-ups" can soon return to "Starbucks/coffee". While I'm mopping the kitchen floor or shampooing the family room carpet or rinsing out poopy panties (sorry, but that's the way it goes sometimes), I dream of vanilla lattes and Carmel Machiattos. It's actually quite sad.

Today I asked her if we could stop buying pull-ups. Her response "No way, hosey". I'm fairly certain she meant "No way, Jose", but just couldn't pull it off.

Kindergarten Claire

Claire started kindergarten a few weeks ago.

Now that I've stopped crying every day when I drop her off, I can see the humor in the situation. She's got an entirely new set of people to influence and terrorize with her Claire-logic.

I received a voicemail from the Assistant Principal at Claire's school recently. I would receive a discipline notice on Claire's behavior. She apparently hit, and then bit another student who would not give her the book she wanted. That weekend we had many conversations about making good choices and the consequences of poor decision-making. She told me the boy's name in her recounting of the events.

Yesterday I met the "victim". I think I would have bitten him too.