Thursday, February 19, 2009

Bigger and Badder (but not in a bad way)

Well, the girls are getting bigger every day. Claire is talking up a storm (and you can actually understand her) and Ellie is not far behind her. They are so funny, that I would be posting funny stories about them every day.

Such as... Ellie and I were going to pick up Claire at school and I was singing along with a CD(a common occurrence while I am driving). I realized that Ellie was mimicking me. I'm not sure if she wanted to be like me or was making fun of me. I am hoping for the first one. But it was very cute.

Claire was mad at me (for some reason only known to her) and she kept telling me to leave her alone. When she felt better, she came and asked me if I was done screaming. ??

Ellie is beginning the potty-training stage. When she has a BM, she will bring me a diaper and the wipes, put them in my lap, and say "Shoo-whee". Funny. She is rarely not dirty. When Claire went potty in a restaurant (in the bathroom), Ellie tried to pull off her diaper so she could sit on the potty too. It was hard to keep Ellie away from the public toilet while I was getting Claire's hands washed. Good times....

Friday, February 6, 2009

Stop playing with my balls.

That is something you do not normally hear your daughter say. Claire and Ellie are playing with Play-Do. Claire is making little dough balls. Ellie is apparently trying to touch her balls. I can't stop laughing.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I am in awe of Claire....

I may have mentioned to Claire once that her birthday was coming up soon. Tonight she told me about her "Princess Party." We are going to have cupcakes, play games, color princess things, hit the Princess pinyana (I'm guessing this is a pinata), and open presents. Lots of presents. All her friends are going to be here and everything.

Oh boy, she has big dreams. I had smaller ideas. Oh well, we all know who is really in charge here.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

It can't be!

I just realized that one month from today, Claire will be 4 years old! Really? How did that happen?

Look for your invite to her Princess Tea Party. =)

The adults will be having Jambalaya and alcohol. =) =)

Ellie cracks me up.

Claire always had great facial expressions, but I think Ellie has her beat on this one.

Tonight, while I was working, Claire and Ellie were sitting in an office chair next to mine. Claire was ordering Ellie around, as usual. Normally, Ellie complies or yells back. It is quite simple.

Tonight Claire gave Ellie an order and I glanced at Ellie to see her reaction. Ellie looked at Claire, then looked at me and ROLLED HER EYES! I was laughing so hard, I almost wet my pants.

She gets it. She will be a fine little sister. I'm so proud of her!

Maybe potty training isn't so bad....

Remind me of that when I am pulling my hair out because Ellie won't pee in the potty. Although when we walk past the bathroom, Ellie has to stop and point out the potty. I'm hopeful...

Claire is a potty'ing champion! She goes by herself, cleans out her training potty, washed her hands, and then comes to get me so she can get a sticker for her rewards chart. Yes, she gets ice cream anytime she wants. She went without ice cream for months, waiting for the pottying thing to work itself out. She has not had a pull-up or diaper on her body for 8 days and counting. Woo hoo! And she has pee'd in the big potty, but prefers her throne. I would too.

Today....she even POOPED in the potty by herself. I had to help her clean it up, but she did it! I did a dance and sang a song.

I'm so proud of her.