Claire has started school. She is a Sunbeam this year and is doing very well. She, once again, will only go potty at school, but I am okay with that.
Tomorrow she has the Show and Tell bag to return to school. I asked her tonight what she would like to take to school for show and tell. I was hoping she would say something easy, like stickers or Barbie. Oh no....not Claire. The conversation went something like this:
Mommy: What do you want to take to Show and Tell tomorrow? Stickers or Barbie? (we give preschoolers choices to give them control)
Claire: beer (Claire takes immediate control in her own way)
Mommy: Are you saying 'beer'?
Claire: Yes, beer.
Mommy: What is beer?
Claire: In the fridge.
Mommy: Beer? Like the drink?
Claire: beer.
(At this point I am not totally convinced she is actually saying 'beer', so we walk to the kitchen.)
Mommy: Claire, show me beer.
(Claire walks to the Fridge, opens the door, and points to a Corona bottle on the fridge door-shelf. Oh my, she really means beer.)
Mommy: We can't take beer to school, Claire.
Claire: (she counts the bottles...1...2) Yeah, we don't have enough for all the kids. (shuts fridge door)
Mommy: So do you want to take Barbie or stickers? (I ask this after leaving the room to laugh and returning)
Claire: Barbie
And so another day ends in the life of a 3-year-old. Note: I drink a beer maybe once or twice a year. The Corona in the fridge has been there since....a long time. I prefer margaritas. :)