Monday, February 25, 2008

Fashion Plate Claire strikes again!

Claire LOVES to play outside in the backyard! Now that she can open the back door herself, we have had to establish some rules about playing outside. 1. Sam must be outside with Claire. She's really good at getting him to go outside with her. 2. She must be dressed. Shirt and pants required. 3. She must come tell me she is going out. 4. She must have shoes on. If it's snowy, then boots are required. 5. If it is cold or snowing, a coat is a must.

Perhaps I should have been more specific about the show rule, but, as the evidence shows, she does have shoes on.

This picture makes me laugh because it is the epitome of who Claire is. Note 2 different shoes on the wrong feet.

Note to paranoid Moms who may be reading this: Our fence is too high for anyone to climb. The gate is locked from the inside. Every yard around us has outside dogs, so nothing is coming or going over our fence without a lot of noise. I check on her frequently.

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