Should I be excited about the fact that my almost-3-year-old has mastered her first curse word? Probably not, but I still think it is funny. OK, I am not the most proficient cusser. I have my favorites, as do most people, but I typically keep it pretty clean. Or so I thought.
Claire wanted to watch TV in our bedroom a week or so ago. The DVR and TV have issues and frequently "locks up." The only resolution is to crawl under the dresser and flip the switch on the surge protector that they are both plugged into. On this morning, I turned on the TV and nothing happened. Knowing it was "locked up," I proceed to get on my hands and knees to flip the switch. During this process (and being 40 with 2 small children, it is a process), I hear Claire say "Dammit." I look at her in shock and she has her hand on her forehead, which makes it pretty funny. After flipping the switch and regaining my composure, I tell her that's not a nice word.
Well....the next day, Ellie dumped over a bin of toys. And Claire.....slaps her hand to her forehead guessed it..."Dammit!" She IS using it appropriately, so I should be proud, right?

Yes, she is sitting INSIDE the toy bin Ellie dumped.