I had heard that the local mall Santa was very good, so I decided to take the girls to go visit him. First, we got there during his lunch break and had to walk the mall for an hour.
We arrived back in time to be first in line. Minutes later this crabby grandmother gets in line behind us and starts to complain at someone over her cell that she is second in line and what a crock that is...since they have been waiting an hour. I almost took her out. Get over it, lady. Anyway...
Santa arrives and the picture girl asks me what photo package I would like (the cheapest one, please--maybe I will upgrade if they are really good - or funny) and asks the girls names. She walks back to Santa and motions us over. Claire says, "I am not going to see Santa." Ellie walks confidently forward...until she sees Santa. Then the sucker fish (Ellie) attaches herself to my right leg, and begins to glare at the old man in the weird clothes. Claire does not look very happy, but I proceed.
We walk up to Santa and he says, "Well, hello, Claire and Ellie." (he's good...oh yeah, I gave the other lady their names). Claire says, "I don't wanna see Santa." Ellie glares. I ask Claire if she wants to talk to Santa... "No!" We get closer and Ellie starts to cry. Santa asks if we want to try the "sneak." I say, "Why not?"
Santa leaves to feed Rudolph (wink, wink) while we distract the girls with a book. We convince the girls to sit on Santa's chair, but they won't let me get very far. I've already sat on Santa's lap once (2 years ago with Claire) and I'm not doing it again. So we have me sitting as far to the left as possible. Claire is sitting on the right arm of the chair and Ellie is sitting right below her on the seat. Cute. The picture lady rings some bells to get the girls attention and takes a pic. I'm thinking, why am I paying for pictures of Claire playing with a book and Ellie glaring at the picture lady while sitting on a chair that looks like a candy cane. The lady motions me over to look at the pictures on her computer. Ah-ha! Santa is peeking from behind the chair. So he didn't leave to feed Rudolph - liar! Anyway...
I have the pic to scan and I have the story, which is not so funny now (nor was it then, really). Finally, the crabby Grandma behind us in line finally got to see Santa. I'm thinking Santa may need to wait a few years for another visit.